The VerAndAh CAfeThe Verandah Cafe暂无评论咖啡店
RAffles, High TeARaffleS, High Tea暂无评论当地特色
5The Lighthouse Restaurant & Rooftop Bar暂无评论西餐厅
6平凡小屋Ping Fan Xiao Wu暂无评论当地特色
7OliviA CAssivelAun FAncourtOlivia CaSSivelaun Fancourt暂无评论当地特色
8Smoke & Mirrors暂无评论异地风味
9The NAtionAl Kitchen by Violet Oon At the NAtionAl GAlleryThe National Kitchen by Violet Oon at the National Gallery暂无评论当地特色
10星巴克(富勒顿水船屋店)Xing Ba Ke(Fu Le Dun Shui Chuan Wu Dian)暂无评论当地特色